Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Madness

Is there a better month than March for college sports?  So many games played in just one month.  Typically I do not fill out the NCAA brackets but rather root for any Utah college (Go Aggies!) and all of the underdogs.  I enjoy watching a team that is "supposed" to do well get beat by a team that was "supposed" to loose.  This year however, I decided to fill out a bracket since my work is giving a plate of cookies to whom ever picks the most correct wins in the NCAA tournament.  The cookies would be nice, but I still would rather watch a team get upset in the tournament especially if it is Duke.  Let the games begin!!!

1 comment:

Machelle said...

Logan and I have done the bracket since we have been married. I really don't follow who is who and so I pick by instinct. It is fun to see the top dogs fall from the bracket. But I can't decide if I want Kansas or Kentucy to win. Any ideas??