Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not So GREEN Today

Over the past couple of years we have tried to keep a tradition going that Amy participated in growing up. Her grandfather had a small orchard and every year they pruned the trees to prepare them for another year of producing fruit. All the pruning created a large pile of branches that needed to be discarded. So, they lit the branches on fire and had a hot dog roast. An "old-school" practice for sure, beginning before green waste disposal or wood chippers were handy. Of course, we followed city regulations and kept it very safe with hoses nearby!

In our neighborhood Amy's family designated their last empty lot in our cul-de-sac to put our "green" waste. Some of the neighbors and Amy's dad contributed to the pile. Today we torched it and had our own neighborhood hot dog roast. We also ate fresh fruit salad, homemade potato salad, and smores. One of the kids at the party had a great idea of stuffing a square of chocolate into the middle of the marshmallow to help it melt. Genius! It was the perfect day for the event. The weather was beautiful and the company of family and neighbors was enjoyable, we LOVE where we live. It is amazing how much better a hot dog tastes after it has been cooked on an open fire.

1 comment:

machelle said...

Camping is the only way I like Hot dogs. The open flame just makes them taste better.