Here are a few glimpses of this handsome little guy since that's what everyone really wants! He continues to be a great baby, fussiness is minimal overall and he loves to eat and sleep. Last check he was 12 pounds and it seems like half of it is in his cheeks. We believe he has smiled here and there and he is definitely happy to see us when he awakes. Unbelievably, last night he slept for 7 hours! I don't know if he was extra tired or what, but I for one am impressed. We'll see if it continues or not. Our 3 year old is adjusting - albeit with a setback here and there. He does ask to help and his interest in Bennett is growing...we think he will be a wonderful big brother. Our dog - she loves Bennett, no doubt. She is very gentle when she steals his socks right off his feet : )

This letterman style sweater is soooo cute on him, not sure if it came from Roz or Jen but thanks! He is set with clothes for quite a while, everyone has been very sweet and generous in welcoming him. His room is almost complete too, we bought a soft recliner/rocker that may be too big to fit in his doorway but we'll see about that tonight. I painted 4 little animal pieces (maybe I post them later) to go on is wall and we have some floating shelves to put up.

We had a great weekend with Jaylene, she's now close to her hometown where she will work for the summer. If we had written it ourselves, we couldn't have had more of a dream adoption story and the best part of it is that it keeps going. We have been extremely blessed to have her become such a dear member of our family. She will no doubt be an outstanding mother herself someday and we will be in close contact along the way.
Oh how much fun! He is growing so fast. I love the dog.
Cutest Mini-Man Ever! Just Sayin'
Love you guys,
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