Tuesday, May 24, 2011

All smiles

The latest little development at our house is Bennett's daily grins.  He has smiled at Grandma Leslie, our neighbor, and his big brother as well as me and Jared.  He coos now and then and we like to pretend he can stand and walk.  He now weighs 13.7 pounds.

Another amazing feat (at least to us) is that he SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT last night.  Now I know you more experienced parents will say that was just a fluke.  Maybe so.  But, we couldn't believe it!  He went to bed at 10:30 or so and didn't wake up until 7 AM.  And he wasn't really fussy when he woke up either, just fidgeting.  After hearing all the stories of how exhausted we would be, I'm actually wondering - is this normal?  I'll ask the doc at his two month checkup in June but we're just enjoying it for now.

Although you can't see them in this picture, his eyelashes have really begun to show up in the last few days.  They are darker and long (I can only assume he gets that from Jaylene because she has fabulous eyelashes).  Thanks J!  We love you and miss you.


Denette said...

What a cute smile!

From an experienced parent, (how many kids does it take to call yourself experienced?) let the boy sleep. Bailey was my good sleeper. By about 2 months he would sleep from 11-6 and I thought every baby was like that. Then I had 3 more and soon realized Bailey was just a good sleeper.

[jay]lene said...

I don't think I can claim credit for those lashes. And look at those cheeks...and those chins! Goodness. Expect an e-mail from me shortly!

Livingstones said...

Hi I am one of Jay's friends in Canada, and I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful blog! What a total sweetheart little Bennett is! I actually just had a little baby girl, 2 weeks ago, and it has been quite the adventure for my husband and I the last few weeks. After giving birth I have a renewed admiration for Jay and her great love for that little man. And you both seem like such a fabulous family! She speaks so highly of you all, and it makes me so grateful to know my friend has such a wonderful adoptive family. I hope it's ok that I will continue to follow your families exciting adventures!

J+S said...

He is such a cutie!

Machelle Kay said...

Oh man I am jealous! We had a fluke a couple of weeks ago when Logan was out of town but now we are back to no sleep. He is sooo cute and I find that I read your blog and then I know what Emmerson will do next. :) I love that they are so close in age.

Heidi Keller said...

I never have had luck with the sleeping thing with any of my kids so yeah for you. I love it when they can start interacting with you.