Friday, February 12, 2010

Chat Room

Last night I had the opportunity to participate in an adoption "Chat Room" in a physical building with couches, chairs and even refreshments. Present at the discussion were individuals who have adopted, those who are hoping to adopt and birth mothers who have placed their babies with adoptive couples. Unfortunately Amy was not able to attend, but I went to learn as much as I could. The theme of the evening was about helping extended family learn about adoption and help them feel comfortable with adoption. A fair amount of time was spent on this subject, but the discussion went in many different directions as different participants asked questions or shared experiences. I was most touched by the love and courage that I saw and heard as birth mothers shared some of their experiences interacting with the adoptive couples they have chosen to place their child with. Leaving the discussion I have a better appreciation for the difficult decision that birth parents have in deciding to place their child and also choosing an adoptive couple. I enjoyed the atmosphere of learning about each others situations. Birth mothers were asking questions to adoptive couples and adoptive couples asking questions to birth mothers and even hopeful adoptive couples asking questions to both adoptive couples and birth mothers. We look forward to attending more "Chat Room" meetings in the future.

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