Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Is it Spring yet?

The amount of snow we've had has been fun, but I'm pretty ready for a thaw. At this rate I won't be getting my Christmas lights off the bushes until Easter. Paxton happens to love playing in the snow and I like that he is happy to be out there being active. There have been stretches he stayed in since the horrid air pollution was hanging around. But he stays pretty dry and warm least when he doesn't get snow down his boots and up his gloves which somehow he manages to do simultaneously. Our dog also goes out with him enjoys rolling in the snow too.
As for me and Bennett, we usually prefer to stay inside and cuddle with a blanket and look at books! He has one of his favorites here, made by Grandma Leslie. Bennett has always loved burying his face in soft blankets and stuffed animals. A couple days ago after I'd put him in his bed for a nap he was pretending to snore, very loudly at that. I was sitting in the hall reading (my usual post) trying not to laugh out loud.

Paxton and Bennett both love playing with these little construction blocks.  They can both manipulate them pretty well, and Paxton built the tower in this photo completely by himself.  He has learned a lot by looking at the instructions and with some help from Grandmas. Paxton is also learning to read. He loves preschool and is excited for Kindergarten which we'll register for soon.

Bennett loves these Spiderman sunglasses and recently discovered pushing them up on top of his head. He thinks he's pretty cool. Today as we got out of the truck he reached for the steering wheel and said "I drive now". He's sounding like Paxton who had those same ideas way too early for my liking.  Although I've been in no hurry to turn him around from his rear-facing infant seat, he's just getting too big. I figured out after two different trips where he lost his lunch, so to speak, that he was getting carsick from facing forward. So we've been slowing getting him used to it.
Winter and snow have not stopped us from getting use out of the trampoline.  We do regularly shovel the snow off of the trampoline so when it dries out Paxton can still dress up and burn some energy.  I heard recently that children actually need 3 hours of exercise a day (not surprising) and it can be hard when it's cold.  But I feel an early Spring coming on (in my dreams) since Punxsutawney Phil predicted it.  How wrong can a groundhog be?
Bennett is still enjoying his bed and his room is much more fun for him now that he has freedom from the crib. He gets into everything but we're learning what to put out of reach and what to let him re-arrange.  His vocabulary continues to grow so amazingly fast.  I am finding I'm becoming the annoying, stereotypical mom who thinks their child is THE GENIUS of the century.  My favorite phrases he says of late are "favorite cars" and "made a mess".

The pirate ship bed he got for Christmas has a reading light and two lanterns on each side which he often turns on.  I found him one night, after he should have been asleep, with them on while he sat up in bed looking at a book.  When we bought the bed we had no idea it came with lights and we certainly didn't think he'd be using them to "read". Those designers are way ahead of us.

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