Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Amy!!!  I know you have waited for a long time for this day.  You are a wonderful mother to both of the boys.  Maybe all the time that you waited paid off because you have some serious mothering skills.  It is evident when you play with them, teach them, feed them and even change diapers that you really care for them.  Thank you for being such a wonderful woman who loves spending time at home.  We are fortunate to be able to have you be a stay at home mother. Children in our home has truly blessed us deeply.  Here's to many more Mother's Days to come.  After all, it not such a bad Holiday is it?

Love Jared and the Boys!


Anonymous said...

and love me too!

Machelle Kay said...

I love that through your experience I have learned to appreciate things more. Thank you for the wonderful example you two are.