Monday, January 10, 2011

Life is Good!

We had a great time over Christmas.  Relatively quiet but enjoyable.  You can see the hoop that Santa brought - Jared and I have had a lot of fun with it!  Of course, it was for our toddler who likes to play with it, mostly if he can stand on a chair to shoot the ball.  But best of all, Jaylene stayed with us, making it it even more fun.  She was so sweet in bringing gifts for everyone, including the babe we are all waiting for.  She made some great burp cloths out of super soft minky and kitchen towels so the baby will have a soft place to rest his head when we burp him.  Very cute and colorful.  We were also able to look at cribs and think we have found one we'll purchase soon.  It converts to a toddler bed and eventually a regular bed too.  And since we'll be adding to our family, we decided to finish at least part of our basement.  We are having all the electrical, plumbing, hvac done soon and will then decide how many rooms to finish.  Probably the large family room, pottery room (Jared's newest hobby is for REAL) and one bedroom will be finished for now but we'll see when we get a better idea of cost if we want to just complete the other rooms and bathroom while we're at it and while I'm finishing up working.

Our little 3 year old LOVES the snow.  But not the ice, a couple of harmless falls have left him crying.  But as for the snow itself, it seems he would stay out there all day if we let him.  He loves to play in it, eat it, sled on it, or just walk around on it.  I don't share quite the same love of it but during the last significant storm Jared built a snow fort and snowman with our little guy.  We have also put the sled Grandma & Grandpa Davis gave for Christmas to good use.  Even on our little hill it works very well.  We just need more snow to build it up a bit.  I say, if it has to be cold, let it snow too!

With the excitement of a new baby coming, I find I get less and less interested in my outside-the-home job!  It just feels so much less important and I look forward to being at home full time.  The only teaching I would do in the future would be maybe a class as an adjunct, but that would come later.  It has been good for me to get a taste of full-time this year, to know that I don't enjoy the balancing act and that the people most important to me do indeed get less attention.  Maybe some women can do it but I am VERY fortunate that I won't have to.  Thanks to my great husband!  We are so very blessed by a loving Heavenly Father.


Denette said...

Awesome fort!!

I worked when Bailey was 9 months. I only did it while a girl was on maternity leave. So it was temporary, but it was pure torture. I had an awesome live in babysitter (Machelle) and went in as early as they would let me to get my hours in, but I still felt I was missing things in Bailey's life that I could never get back. The extra money is nice, but not worth it to me.

Oh and totally jealous of the basement finished or not.

Machelle Kay said...

Oh and I enjoyed it soooo much!!! We are so excited for you.