Friday, January 22, 2010

If you can't sing, learn to play an instrument...

Our recent purchase has much more to do with my inability to sing than with Jared's. He and his whole family can sing very nicely and many of them can play the piano. I have talked for a long time about learning to play the piano and I am finally on my way! Since we bought it almost a week ago we both have been playing each day, and I hope that doesn't change. I am nearing the end of my two beginner books and I want to get a book to help me learn to play hymns. We went digital, a Yamaha, because we weren't interested in the piano in terms of appearance, although they can be really beautiful. Thanks to advice from my mom and Jared's sisters, the piano has weighted keys and headphones so that we can play without worrying how we sound to anyone else in the room. I really like that I will be able to easily move it to another room or downstairs. It also has several other functions, a metronome, adjustments for brilliance, reverb, effect, and touch. We can also connect through a USB to save and download music. At this point, of course I am still trying to comprehend sharps, flats, and recognize exactly which note I am playing. But I am loving the process.


Anonymous said...

Watch out, you may be the next Ward Organist! I have taught adults before and they usually catch on pretty quick.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Amy. I am way impressed. I wish I had the drive to learn something new.

J+S said...

Does this mean that you will play Christmas duets with me? Whenever I suggest it to Scott, he acts like it's a new form of torture that I've invented!
