We took a "stay-cation" this month. The boys are finally both big enough to hike to Timpanogos Cave. Bennett did hike most of the way with just a little time riding piggyback from dad on the way up and one from mom on the way down. Paxton did a great job hiking the whole way. We might turn him into a hiker yet. This day was rainy which actually added to the beauty. It did make for a colder visit inside the cave since we were a bit wet, but it was fun to see the canyon in such misty conditions. There were a few portions of the trail that had small rock slides. We witness one and noticed rocks on the trail, maybe they were sliding more due to the rain.

Another day of Jared's week off, we visited This Is The Place Park. Even though the entire concept is about pioneers, to the boys liked this pirate ship the best. They also enjoyed watching the Native American dancers and loved making an arrowhead necklace.
This camping trip started out with us and Gma and Gpa, and ended with a whole lot of cousins, which was really fun. Jared's sisters and brother brought their kids up and they got along great. We believe we got the best campsite on the mountain due to arriving mid-week. It was grassy, open and had lots of room. In fact some strangers pulled up Friday night and asked if they could park in one end of it because they couldn't find any place to stay. We told them we had a vicious dog but they came anyway, which was fine.

Jen and Grandma were kind to let us leave all the young kids with them while the rest of the adults hiked. Of course we got off the trail and made it a longer hike than necessary. But we ended up in the right place. Me and Jared hiked it from the bottom up that evening and found where we went wrong. So maybe next year we'll get it right.
Our neighbor had this dump truck full of sand dropped into his horse corral so we let the boys play in it before my dad spread it out with a tractor.
I grew some Indian corn in the garden and these are the first ears. I'm trying to figure out ways to use it in addition to decorating. Some websites suggest popping it, making hominy, or grinding it.
This lump of clay weighs 25 lbs. Jared made it into a bird bath for a friend whose old one had cracked. This was his second attempt, the first was almost complete when he threw the rim out of shape by spinning the wheel too much. Oops.
You can see why we moved the wheel outside to do it. I don't have a finished picture of it but you can see where it's going in this one. Below are photos of Jared's most recent pieces, the first one with holes - you'd say won't hold water - isn't supposed to. It's a berry bowl for me to use like a colander. I love it.
Our new family photo. Take #8.
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