Bennett rarely sits in his high chair anymore, he wants to be at the table like everyone else and he insists on choosing his utensils and plate. He is in the "do it by myself" stage and gets pretty upset when he doesn't get the chance. Even simple things like taking off his shoes - he HAS to do it.
This pic is from our trip to a nearby canyon where we had a good time. The boys like to ride their bikes a bit and we try to cook some dutch oven recipes. This one was chicken and rice. Our campsite was well shaded but well used.
The weather was beautiful, and it was so nice to gain some elevation for cooler, but still enjoyable temperatures.
Paxton has learned the skill of tying his shoes. He can do it by himself but needs to master how to make it tight....sooner or later he'll get there. Once again this photo is deceptive, making Bennett look HUGE and Paxton small. Although they are on opposite ends of their height and weight charts, Paxton is still quite a bit taller and maybe 7 pounds heavier : )
I wasn't thrilled to see Paxton with a giant bow saw but he did very well using it. If only he could stay in one spot long enough to get through a log...he could be our firewood guy. But, then again, he probably shouldn't be handling an ax much either.
We camped in this area while these yellow flowers were at their peak - I think it's a bush called rabbit brush. Jared and Paxton took a drive near dusk one evening and spotted a cow moose and her calf as well as a porcupine.
I got brave and brought my camera on the canoe the morning we took it down to Currant Creek reservoir. It was calm, sunny weather and we could see nicely into the water. Of course we didn't catch any fish.
This is the fishing pole Paxton got for Christmas last year. I think he'd like it better if he caught something besides lake moss but he takes after his dad.
Many evenings we enjoy being in our own back yard. Bennett likes swinging a bat at balls on our tee and he loves having his picture taken.
Hopefully my kids remember me for doing something other than yard work. I do involve them from time to time but usually I am happy to do the weeding and deadheading while they play. The zinnias grown from seed this year have done well and I like how long the blooms last.
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