July 1st has changed from Canada day to Paxton Day. Now that we are part Canadian (we even watch hockey) it was only fitting for us to go to the temple and be sealed to Paxton on July 1st. Paxton has always admired the Mount Timpanogos temple and has requested on a number of occasions to go inside. His wish came true. We had a wonderful experience in the temple and Paxton responded like a champion. One of the first words out of his mouth was "I've got my white tie on" which he said as he walked into the sealing room. He listened intently and followed all the instructions the sealer gave him. After the Temple we had a nice celebration at our home with family and friends with food, cake, and even fireworks. Thanks to all who celebrated with us!

Our first family photo. Paxton is showing off his adorable smile. He has recently learned what it means to joke. He will tell us something and then comment that he told us a joke and then he'll laugh at himself likes it's the funniest thing ever. He is starting to get the Davis humor which is a tough humor to understand which Amy reminds me all the time.

He can't quite baby sit yet, but we are working on it. We love our boys and Bennett loves watching every move Paxton makes. Paxton doesn't really love holding Bennett, in fact he says that Bennett is too heavy. However, Paxton loves giving Bennett kisses on his forehead. If Bennett continues to grow as fast as he has, we will pass Paxton in weight in 3 more months.
Paxton and the Judge dropped the gavel on June 20, 2011 to make his adoption official. We had a wonderful experience in the court room. Some of the highlights were when we were asked to state our names to the judge, Paxton stood up and gave his name too, then sat back down. When Amy and I were sworn in, Paxton also raised his right hand and I guess was sworn in as well.
Judge Bazzelle invited Paxton to sit with her behind the bench where she gave him a huge candy bar and a toy griaffe. Judge Bazzelle then signed her name to the adoption paperwork and then had Paxton "hit it with the hammer" to make it official.Paxton loves to spend time with Papa Mack on his tractor, and we believe that Papa Mack loves to spend time with Paxton on the tractor. It is a match made in heaven. When asked if he has a drivers license to drive, Paxton replies yes. When asked where he keeps his license he responds, "in my pocket". If we don't keep a close eye on him, he would surely try to drive anything with keys.
It was tough to keep a straight face as we put a band aid on Paxton's upper lip. He has a very small wound and wanted to bandage it up. We both feel that Paxton has blessed our lives in so many ways. We are thrilled to have him in our family and we appreciate all the love and support everyone has shown him. He is a boy full of a lot of energy that keeps us moving. His favorite question that he asks us multiple times a day is "what are you thinking about?"
Congratulations D Family! What a beautiful family!
Rebecca (Brady)
So happy for you guys!!(moist eyes)
LOVE You Guys! Paxton looks so cute! I can't believe Bennett will be 3 months tomorrow. That deserves a blog blurb on my end for sure.
Skype soon?
Your Canadian
I love that little boy and that smile! (And the other three of you too.) So happy for you that he is part of your family forever.
I am so happy to meet Paxton... Bennett is one fortunate baby to have been placed with you three.
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