Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rancid Cookies?

Late last night I started making a batch of cookies to take to a family reunion.  I needed to make a rather large batch since we will be sharing them with all of my side of the family which seems to get bigger by the day.  Anyone else pregnant?  I pulled the butter out of the fridge and went to the pantry for shortening.  I noticed that there was a new container of shortening, so I opened it and could see that a couple of tablespoons had been used by Amy previously.  I proceeded to scoop out spoonfuls of shortening into a measuring cup when I noticed an odd smell.  I leaned closer to the shortening to take a wiff and it just didn't smell right.  I got a teaspoon and took a little taste, but then realized that I didn't know what plain shortening should taste like.  I asked Amy's opinion but she was not much help since she has been struggling with a cold.  She said it smelled like cardboard.  I decided to proceed with the cookies.  I mixed in all the ingredients and was getting ready to chill the dough when I had the thought.  These cookies will be consumed at Bear Lake by my entire family, what would happen if the shortening was rancid, would my entire family get sick?  I debated for a little while whether to cook the dough or to start over.  I really wanted a second opinion on the smell that the shortening was producing, so late at night I marched over to Amy's mother (they live close) to get her expert opinion.  In hand I have the container of shortening and a sample of the dough, which I wanted her to taste.  Once I got to her house, she took a wiff of the shortening and said that it didn't smell right.  She said shortening didn't have a smell.  I didn't dare ask her to taste the dough.  She gave me her shortening so I went home to make another batch of cookies with non smelling shortening.  I am still debating whether to cook up the "rancid" batch.  The Internet says that vegetable shortening cannot go rancid.  Maybe I can take them to work and see who calls in sick the next day.


Raegan said...

Don once made a box of Mac n Cheese with a stick of shortening instead of butter. It made him sick & the shortening wasn't even rancid. Go Jared the cookie maker!

Cambric said...

i will NOT be eating the cookies you take to work! =P

The Dreamer said...

No kidding, Cambric. Jared - you may not get any takers if they read your blog! (Now, me on the other hand, I'll eat anything. I once found raw chicken in my Beto's burrito...and kept eating it. Don't judge me.)

Denette said...

The cookies you did bring were YUMMY!! Thanks for leaving the bad batch at home. Could you imagine if they had made us all sick? We would have been fighting for the 5 bathrooms.

Amy, I am going to need that recipe. Can you e-mail it to me, or is it a family secret?

Kelli said...

If you brought me the "rancid" cookies, I'd still eat them. :-)