Monday, January 11, 2010

Amy's Garden Gourds

I was so excited to have a large garden this year. We grew peas, tomatoes, peppers, corn, spaghetti squash, gourds, raspberries, peaches and pumpkins. The gourds were really fun to watch grow - we trained the vines onto a fence so they could hang down and retain better form. This worked really well and definitely saves space in the garden. We ended up with about 49 gourds total - now we have about 44 since some didn't make it. My whole aim of growing them was to dry them and then...? I'll probably put them on top of our high cabinets for visual interest, kind of a gourd grouping. The photos show them in various stages of drying - the brown ones are dry. If you shake them you can hear the seeds rattling around inside - I love it. I am so easily entertained. The last picture is a close up of one that my niece claimed as her own, we both liked the pattern on it.


J+S said...

I just thought I'd pop in and say hello! I love the way the gourds turned out, Amy. Great job as usual.


Anonymous said...

Are you up to doing our garden next year????? We always have good intentions. We plant it, water it, and then after a month or so ignore it. We don't end up harvesting much.
