This handsome graduate wanted his picture taken in front of the playground - his favorite part of kindergarten. He enjoyed his class this year and I thought he had a great teacher.
Jared was able to coach Paxton's machine pitch baseball team - the Giants. It was really great; I thought all the boys were nice kids and I hope they had fun.
Grandma bought these bubble guns for the boys...that's our nephew behind Bennett. The 3 of them had a full day with water blasters, squirt guns, and trying to make a slip and slide out of the trampoline.

Because the man doing our excavating is a friend and co-worker of Jared's he let him drive his skid steer to help fill and compact the garage.
The first day of framing and the back half of the house walls went up. Most of the entire west wall is wood framed to save cost on concrete and allow stucco the whole way for appearance sake.
Here is a view from inside my studio space in the basement. You can see across the rec room (Jared's pottery and ping pong table room) through to the family room. Above the family room is a deck which wasn't covered when I took it so that's why it has daylight coming in.

Memorial Day we spent in Wellington. These are Sego Lilies we spotted on a walk out to the waterfall in the next picture.
This looks like I had a black and white camera but that's pretty much the color, or lack of it, where this water flows down. It's very interesting to see it in the midst of a lot of desert looking landscape.
The Gooseberry Leaf Globemallow... one of my favorite plants, so cute but tough. There'll be some in our next landscape...I can hardly wait to get that all going but there are piles of dirt and lumber in the way!