This cute trio of cousins went tubing at Gorgoza Park with moms, one dad, and grandma. They have 3 lower lanes for the youngest tubers and then more lanes higher up the hill for big kids and anyone else willing. We had a perfect day of sunshine, without bitter cold, and it wasn't busy.
Aren't we glad that technology has progressed to accommodate our laziness. We get to spend more time on our rears and enjoy the beautiful outdoors!
This little light saber duo was the last time Jack got to come over to aunt Amy and uncle Jared's house. We were a little sad to leave after we sold it but we felt strongly it was the right time to make the move.

I have to give Jared loads of credit for putting up with my re-arrangement of our "studio" apartment even after all the heavy lifting we've done over the past week. Our couch is under the bed in this picture. But it's starting to look much better now with space and storage for all our necessary tasks, sleeping, office area, small pantry (inside the tv cabinet), and studio corner - with a bay window mind you. My parents are very generous to allow us to stay with them while we build the new house just through their backyard.

With the help of an expert tractor guy (my pa) we pulled this shed into it's final resting place. We built it last fall out in the middle of the empty lot with the hopes of getting it moved when needed. Despite a temporary mishap, it worked out to do it while the ground was still frozen. Currently, much of the lot is a muddy mess and more rain is coming. But we do seem to be on track to start digging in March. If the mild weather continues we may ask the builder if we can get plans approved to start earlier. I can't help but wonder why we have so many "non-essentials".