I'll start with the most recent events and go backwards through the month. Unbelievably, it was Bennett's FIRST day of school earlier this week. What a big kid! He has been excited for a while. Jared got to take him since I recently started teaching a morning class two days a week.
Jared snapped this photo before I went to UVU. I was relieved that Bennett wasn't shy about going and that he didn't need to cling to anyone when they got there.
We were able to get a camping trip in before school started. The weather was perfect, cool at night and warm enough in the day without being hot. I was excited to have the boys hike a couple days and make it with little complaint. There are some benefits to kids growing up!
This panoramic view was at the top of one hike...that's Grandpa on the left of the picture.
The day we tried the lake out it was very windy so the boys played on the beach a little before we gave up. Driving back to camp Jared had an idea to let the boys take their kayaks down a little canal that runs near camp.
Paxton was totally game but Bennett wasn't sure. He did try it out but did NOT enjoy it...a lot of tears and eventually we helped him get out. It worked great though because we walked along an old road that followed the canal the whole way.
The fishing at this pond was actually very good. I was fully entertained watching the boys because the fish were jumping and they caught several, albeit modest sized, fish. We were there near sunset so maybe that helped.

I'm not sure who is copying who here...