That said, my mom and I took the boys on a little day trip to the campsite I'm taking the girls in our ward to in about 3 weeks. This pic shows my guys at a historic lab that's up the road from the camp a bit. The inside is a museum with cool old stuff. I admit I need to read up on it.
The main event this month as been at the ball fields. Bennett has had his very first t-ball game. I had already forgotten how comical it can be to watch these cute kiddos. Everything from hitting the ball and then picking it up and running, to wandering the field aimlessly with their helmet on wrong. But Bennett can hit off the tee no problem and already knows his teammates names. Even the ones who weren't there. He has a definite love of knowing names, and he's good at it.
The "low light" of the month happened while Jared was camping out at Little Sahara with his scouts. He jumped off a sand dune and said he landed on his tailbone. Well, 3 weeks later the pain had gotten worse after a hula hoop incident and then father and sons overnighter. Then it became disabling to the point Jared couldn't sit or sleep! So we begged for a visit to a dr he'd seen about 5 years ago for a similar problem and got in reasonably soon. After an initial visit and then an MRI and follow up this week, we now know it's a re-injury of the same disc previously, and it's a herniation. So the substance inside the disc has pushed out through a crack in the harder outside coating and has been pushing on a nerve. Jared missed some work and still isn't driving because it's too painful to sit. The boys have helped him get his shoes and socks on. He did get an injection of cortisone and that has things improving some. The plan is to see if time will help him heal, if not Jared has an appointment for another injection done under x-ray to get it exactly where it's most beneficial. But we hope that won't be needed. Surgery is an option but neither we or the doctor wanted to go that route at this point.
This mess you see here is what my dining table looks like lately. I am preparing things for girls camp and find it taking over. I try not to let it, but the crazy, misled, trying to be over achiever in me takes control and I lose ground in the organization battle. That's a war I'll never win.
Here's just some gardening photos. Oriental poppies on the right, and then below are some purple podded peas which I hope to get a good crop from. The photo was taken before the blossoms, which have just started. With all the rain the past couple months I have volunteer starts of our thornless blackberry plants that came from some of the fallen fruit last season. I will be moving them to their own sunny planting bed and try to grow them into strong plants. If anyone wants some maybe by next year they'll be a good size to take home.