I have LOVED our balmy October. I was happy to see some rain today too but it's been great to see many of my annuals still blooming. And the boys being able to play outside a lot has been very helpful in keeping the house cleaner for potential showings. Yep, we're selling our house so if you know any fantastic families who want a 6 bedroom home, please pass it on. It's for sale by owner...we're on ksl's home listings and zillow.
Paxton enjoys these roller blades the neighbors gave him and Bennett is definitely getting the hang of this 3 wheel razor contraption. Bennett just hasn't had much desire to ride a bike. I'm sure he is strong and coordinated enough, it just seems like he doesn't care.
Jack is one adorable nephew. He and Bennett got to play at the local park when Grandma was tending Jack. Jack will likely be a sports star...he just loves almost anything involving a ball and he is quickly getting good at many skills.
Here's bubble boy enjoying another sunny day with mom.
Just some of the better ears of mini Indian corn that we grew. It was just four rows planted close together and it produced very well. I've since made these into a wreath.
Just a pic of a Thai place downtown with some impressive sunflowers. These weren't even the tallest ones. Bennett and I walked over for a closer look one day after visiting the library.
For his birthday we took Paxton and a couple friends to Hang Time. That place is perfect for energetic kids...they all had fun despite a couple minor injuries.
Birthday present for our little old man who just turned 9. I hope the pads and helmet prevent broken bones...it'd be nice to get the boys through childhood without a visit to the ER!
These photos of the boys at their school Halloween parade were thanks to Grandma D as I had class on Halloween. We went to a ward trunk or treat last weekend and Paxton won an award for his costume seen here. It was entirely his idea.
A generous friend lent this great mummy costume for Bennett. He enjoyed himself at the school parade but when it was time to go trick or treating Halloween night he just wanted to wear jeans and a t-shirt. I talked him into a construction hat to make it look like we at least tried a little.
That's Grandpa D in the middle of the chicken jungle gym. He and Grandma were very generous to give up some time to teach us how to build a shed. This is the floor before sheeting was added; it is sitting on 6x6 skids. They also built two walls after this picture. I think it's given Jared hope that not all projects have to be exercises in frustration.