Pictured above is NOT that grandma, but Jared's father's mother who we had the chance to visit while in town. She ended up with a front room full of grandkids and great grandkids and it was another enjoyable time with family. We love you too Grandma Fawn!
We had already planned to go camping before the funeral and so kept that plan afterward. This time we were lucky enough to camp with Weston and his family and their friends. Our boys loved it, especially playing with C & C and the other kids near their age.
All these boys braved the cool water. Paxton was shivering and still continued to slosh around. He found a log to use as a boat and had a good time.
We left Chula home this time but Weston had their good looking dog Dex so they all went for a canoe ride and dropped a line in here and there.
Bennett could be singing here or telling a joke or who knows what. When he wants to eat, he puts it away pretty quick. But he is getting more stubborn about what he likes and asks for the same narrow range of food each day...peanut butter sandwiches, or bagels, or, more recently, toaster waffles. When he was younger he didn't care much for bread or breakfast food but now he's hooked like the rest of us.
Our boys - mostly Paxton - love to dress up. This day they arrived at this combination to reveal their true identity as "mountain man superheros". Paxton went through a stage of loving socks on his hands and now Bennett likes to. They do have a good time together and we're so glad they have one another. Paxton is now in 1st grade so he goes to a full day of school. He has a few friends from his kindergarten class in his current class, and he manages to find the others at lunch and recess. And yes, play instead of eat. We had a talk about that the other day and I'll be joining him for lunch soon to see if he'd prefer to eat on his own : )
It has been the year of the zucchini and tiny tomatoes in our garden. I have about 10 tomato plants which are producing but the tomatoes don't get too large. The 6 zucchini plants, which I did not plan on (surprise seed), have grown many monstrous squash. We will be making a lot of Grandma Davis's zucchini bread. Or chocolate zucchini bundt cake, about as far from a recognizable vegetable as you can get.