It has been a nice summer so far, although a bit on the hot side. This shows one of Paxton's first rides on a roller coaster. We thought he would be afraid or even cry but he didn't. He ended up pretty close to his older, female (stranger) passenger. Of course he had to try out a motorcycle and as it went around the first time he said the bike was going to go off the edge. It was a good time out with some friends of ours who brought their adorable grand-niece (not sure if I got that right). She was a little doll and I wish I had a good picture of her!
We were lucky to have some family over for the 4th of July. These two babes are just one week apart. They are both irresistible. Our Bennett outweighs Emmerson by quite a bit. But, in his defense, Bennett is back down into the 90th percentile for his weight. He is hilarious in church he got a diaper out of my bag, unfolded it and put in on his head. Then he tried tuck it under his legs. Yes, that's where it goes!
Thanks to everyone for bringing the fun water activities. Paxton LOVED this pool and the water rockets and giant bubbles kept the older boys entertained. Bennett liked the pool, he mostly wanted to play with all the grass that ended up floating in it.
Our dog enjoys running through the sprinkler more than Bennett. You can see his concern. He liked it at first but then when it didn't stop he decided to head the other way. He has liked the water all along, guess he's more of a pool guy.
This is Paxton's TBall team photo. It was quite a feat for these little guys to grasp the sport, but by the end they got it! And medals to prove it! In other sports news, I am now a co-coach for Paxton's soccer team. Heaven help us.
This shot is a good illustration of what could be happening at any given moment during a game. That is Paxton on the left. Running with your batting helmet pulled down over your face, sitting in a hole you found in the middle of the field, wearing a catcher's helmet when it's your turn to bat, throwing your mitt when another player gets to the ball you were trying for, all of these are NORMAL behaviors and widely accepted.
We also liked the river otters, very cool to see how much fun they seem to have swimming around. Paxton got to feed these llamas, the zoo worker was there with these leafy greens when we happened by.
Bennett in a giant egg. Ok it was my idea to actually put him in there. They have a cute little playground with slides, animal sculptures, and a huge spider and rope web to play in. Bennett squatted down by the open alligators mouth and said "raw". His other words as of late are "up", "papa" and "kitty".