Bennett had his two month well visit this past week and we learned he has grown to 15.28 pounds. He is at the 98.83 percentile, which I think means that only 1.17% of children at his age weigh more than he does. For his length he is in the 90.14 percentile. Not surprising, even as un-knowing as we are about baby sizes, we have noticed how teeny tiny most other babies at his age seem next to him. We are not worried at his stage because he looks well-proportioned overall. And he's doing all the things you would expect, smiling, cooing, and sleeping great.

So, I (Amy) was at Costco and something among all the super size items caught my eye- this 53" teddy bear. I didn't have to think too long about if before it was in, or more like on, the cart. As a kid I LOVED stuffed animals so this one was a dream come true. I brought it into the house after our 3 1/2 year old had gone to bed and when he walked into Bennett's room the next morning, he jumped. Then he laughed and said it wasn't real. He has enjoyed sitting in Giant Teddy's lap and climbing all over him, who wouldn't? Bennett's reaction - just a soft place to sit.

It never gets old watching this babe's facial expressions. There's just something so mesmerizing about it...his smile seems to continually change, always adorable of course. He is happy even when he wakes up after a solid 8 hours of sleep (I am too for that matter) and he just grins when we change his diaper. He is definitely most hungry in the evenings as he seems to be prepping for a long snooze. Lately he gulps down 8 oz at a time, barely stopping for air, never mind a burp.
This one's a favorite; Bennett in his best light with his tongue sticking out. And it helps you see what the big bear looks like in comparison to a regular size teddy. His bedroom is finally complete, in my next post I will include some pics of it. It's the best spot in the house!